Operation Christmas Child




OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD is a Samaritan’s Purse activity. People like you and I purchase school supplies, toys, toiletries and hard candy and place them in a shoe box. We might add a picture of ourselves or a message sharing God’s love plus $7 for shipping. The boxes are collected and boxed into large cases at relay centers. The cases are shipped to a central processing center where the individual boxes are opened to check for items that are not allowed---war toys, liquids and chocolate. Information and a story, printed in the child’s own language, are placed in each shoe box. The boxes are repacked into the cases and shipped all over the world.

Operation Christmas Child

With the super warm weather we have been having lately it is really hard to think about Christmas;
but, we must! November 4th - 12th will soon be upon us and we all need to be ready. These are
the dates that we can bring your filled shoeboxes to church. Official flattened shoe boxes, labels and
suggestions for packing a shoebox are on the back table in the sanctuary or in the church office. So
pick up a box or 2 or 3 or more, follow the simple directions to put the boxes together, decide on
the age and whether the box is for a boy or a girl, pack the shoeboxes with school supplies, small
toys, toothbrush, soap, washcloth, small towel, hair brush, hair ribbons, play jewelry, socks, hats, tshirts
and simple dresses. Be creative. Personalize the box with a message, a little something
about yourself and/or your e-mail address. Say a prayer for the child who will be receiving your
box. Include a check for $9.00 for shipping and the printed Word.
Bring the box(es) to church November 4th - 12th.

To get inspired, go on the internet, type in “Operation Christmas Child”,
and read how this small box of love has enriched so many lives. You
may also pay for the shipping online. You will receive a shipping label
and tracking number. Print and a1ach the label to the shoebox before
bringing them to church November 4th - 12th. With the tracking number
you will be able to track where you box is going.

Operation Christmas Child is a mission that everyone, young and old, can participate in. If filling
individual shoe boxes is overwhelming for you, you can bring in supplies for our shoebox packing
night. While you are out shopping venture into other departments and pick up a few things for the
boxes. You can also write a check to Samaritan’s Purse for $9.00 or more. You can spend several
hours at church during the week of November 13th - 20th. Our church is a relay/collection center
where others in the Grand Rapids area can bring their individual boxes. We record them and pack
them into cases. Most of all you can pray. Pray for the boxes to have a safe travel to their destina-
tion and most of all pray for the children who will be receiving them.

We are trying something new this year. On Wednesday, November 8th from 6:00 - 7:30 pm we
are going to have a Shoebox Packing Party. Pizza, salad, drinks and dessert will be provided.
Many hands make light work. This activity is intergenera9onal, so we hope to see you there.
I recently read about a woman who was born in 1916 and lives in an assisted living community.
She was asked by her minister to help out with Operation Christmas Child. At first she asked herself
“What can I do? I can’t get out and about anymore.” With the help of friends, family and
church members who bring her supplies, she is sewing 100 sundresses to be packed into boxes this
CUMC’s goal is to collect 150 boxes. OCC’s 2017 goal is to reach 12 million children in over 100
countries! So please do your part.
If you have any quesons, concerns or suggestions, contact
Chris Hayden at 616-455-7742 or br2ch@comcast.net.

You may read more stories about how OCC shoe boxes changed the lives of children by going to www.occ-connect.org or samaritanspurse.org/occ. If you have any questions, contact Chris Hayden.


To learn more about the program please check out their website. SamaritansPurse.org

To learn about packing a box please check out the short video below !!