Women in Step

Younger and older woman holding hands

Women In Step was initially formed in March 2006 as a fellowship/support group for widows in our congregation.  With our church family supporting us, we decided to welcome all women of all ages in the congregation to join us.  We decided to help our church combining fun with purpose.

We meet the last Wednesday of each month at a local restaurant for a business meeting.

We are disciples of Christ and Serve, Strengthen and Connect to spread God's word with insight and friendship.

What we do to SERVE: Cleaning, the staff offices, conference area, and church library monthly. Spring cleaning the church, Assisting the UMW (United Methodist Women) with kitchen organization and cleaning. Assisting with Sunday School teachers with supplies. Using our skills/abilities to help where needed.

What we do to STRENGTHEN: Meet monthly to check on our progress and coverage for our event activities. Plan fellowship activities. Conduct fundraising to support our church family and community. Spring and Christmas flower sales. Participate in as many activities that we can and are able to.

What we do to CONNECT: Organize and running of the Annual 2nd Best Sale, fill food baskets at Holy Family, Wrapping gifts with the Santa Claus Girls. Sponsoring the Lenten Soup Supper. Organize and handle the funeral luncheons

Check the church calendar for meeting times. 

WIS will meet on Wednesday, June 28th at noon at the American Legion Post 305 in Caledonia.